How to Choose a Shirt for Summer

For many people, the summer is their favourite time of year. The weather is nice, the rainy weather is usually short-lived during the day, and just about everything is open. The days are long, and the nights are comfortable. However, you can’t deny that the heat is sometimes uncomfortable during the summer. As the heat rises and the humidity rises with it, you can get to be incredibly sweaty and uncomfortable. That’s annoying when you are out and about, but can be legitimately embarrassing in a personal or professional setting. There are ways to dress for summer that will help you stay cool and dry.


An undershirt is sometimes controversial; there are two basic camps when it comes to undershirts. Some suggest that you should avoid an undershirt because it will actually make you warmer. Others suggest that it absorbs and wicks away sweat so that it does not get to your outer shirt. The undershirt is not as important, though, as your summer shirt.

Summer Shirts

100% cotton shirts are some of the best summer shirts in the world. Cotton is a soft material that is highly absorbent and breathable. Breathability and absorbency are some of the most important qualities in a shirt which will keep you cool and dry as you are moving through the hot summer days.

Linen isn’t quite as absorbent as cotton, but it is more breathable. In fact, linen is so breathable that it is synonymous with the style of the southeast United States, which is the hottest and most humid part of the country. Linen is so great for summer humidity that it is the style of choice for many people around the world.

Buy It Online

You might be hesitant to buy your shirts online because you might worry that they won’t fit very well. You shouldn’t worry, though; a great online retailer will offer detailed measurements of their shirts so that you can know how they will fit. Also, a good return policy ensures that you will be able to return anything that doesn’t fit right. However, if you are buying from a great retailer, you shouldn’t have to worry about it not fitting right. Well-cut shirts made from quality materials hang well and fit well.

Buying your shirt online ensures that you will be able to find shirts for a much lower price. Brick and mortar stores have to hire sales staff, pay utilities, and pay rent for their buildings. Those overhead expenses are transferred to the price of the shirts; with an online retailer, those costs are non-existent. Prices at online retailers are much lower than brick and mortar retailers because they have lower overhead costs.

Buying shirts for the summer is incredibly important. You need something breathable and absorbent that keeps you cool and dry.

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